Family Tree

Five branches from the trunk of the split tree

Four girls and a fella, that’s my siblings and me

In three years we went from complete to shut down

Two people once in love

No one left to be found

Does your family tree number the stars of its next generation?

Or does its roots shrivel up...

No fruit, no seed

No fruit, no seed

The only fruit was five branches

That’s my siblings and me

Five different houses

Four different spouses

Three different schools

Two different cars

One school bus that would transfer me

 to whom I should belong to for that week

Imagine what it's like growing up loving life when you are six

But hating it when you are eight

Because of my parents.

My parents.


It’s kind of an unfortunate resemblance

To pair rent

Like a pair of people renting out space to one another’s hearts

It’s kind of an unfortunate resemblance

To pair rend

Like a pair of people who are rending a whole child’s universe because their own is torn apart

Because of their parents.

Their Parents.


Like the two words that mean the same thing to pare and to rend

To trim and to tear

Like the two words that would never sit together but had no problem putting me in the middle

And I would be stuck riding on route 56

Goin’ to Grandview? Or is it Hastings Street?

One school bus that would transfer me

 to whom I should belong to for that week

Monday Tuesday Dad

Wednesday Thursday Mom

Fridays Weekends we switch 

Like the holidays we switch

As if our lives were a fair-trade in monopoly

They’ve put me in jail, I want to be free

Only way to get out is if I pay the fee

Monday Tuesday Dad

Wednesday Thursday Mom

Fridays Weekends we switch 

Like the holidays we switch

Leave the lights off we switch

Turn the lights on we switch

On switch Off switch

Lights camera action

I began performing at eight 

But it was never enough

I should’ve started at seven

Maybe then they would have seen

That the twinkling in my eye would have mended their broken seams

A sixth child came along

To whom did she belong

Everyone else was celebrated, but where was her song?

I chose her to be a part of our five

But there wasn’t room for another girl

She hardly survived

For far too long I didn’t understand the implications

Three tiers it seemed for our family vacations

From two parents to three

From four to none

Once I had hoped for our family tree

To come back together so we could be complete

But what made us complete was the growth from the tree

Six strong branches

That’s my siblings and me


This poem surfaces the image of a family tree and the struggle to navigate it, when its "boughs" change. There are personal references to bus stops, pasttimes, and if you catch it, an unexpected "addition" to the family after infidelity. One poetic device I utilize often is counting - something that most children learn to do as they engage their natural world. For me, counting was a form of giving structure to the chaos of my young life which changed rapidly after my parents' relationship weakened and ultimately ended when I turned eight. It is challenging to dissect one's own need to perform and cope; compassion for one's own parents, recognizing their own woundedness; and appreciation for one's own growth in such a time. This poem seeks to integrate each of those and more. 

About the Author:

Hi there. Here's the quick version: I was born in 1993, I have nine siblings, and over 30 houses to call "home." While I can't tell you with confidence whether or not I really do know how to distinguish between the uses of a semicolon and a colon: I do love to write and express myself through spoken word poetry and freestyle rap. Finally, I know to whom I belong and I pray that these words help 

Reflection Questions for Small Groups or Individuals

  1. How does Sofia's poem speak to you?

  2. In the poem, Sofia relies on a lot of number to help tell her story. She says that "counting was a form of giving structure to the chaos of [her] young life..." Did you have any similar tools that helped provide structure to your life?